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I create art simply put because I have an insatiable need to create, and art is what I always end up creating. My art almost always has a specific meaning ranging from metaphysical emotions I wish to convey, to the physical application or uses the piece can accomplish.  I got into this type of work because I have such a strong need to create things, ill wake up in the morning hungry but food will not sustain me were as my art gives me a fuller feeling than thanksgiving dinner. The hole breadth of emotion is what I wish to display; happiness, sadness, horror,  fear,  joy,  love, romance, hate, weariness, I want to show it all. I am predominantly a charcoal and paper kind of guy, but I do enjoy mixing up my media with acrylic paints.
My technique is to break down what I see into geometric shapes, doing this cause my work to look a bit like it came out of a sketch book which has an appealing look to me. Usually it’s my morbid imagination that inspires me most with psychological subtle fears.  I also find plenty of inspiration in the human form and the classic masters. My philosophy is very simple, the way I see it we have so much draining my time from me; work, school, traffic, excreta, so why not  just take a minute to relax and enjoy? My mediums all relate to my motto: relax and enjoy, because these are mediums I have never had much trouble with  learning, and my technique is the epitome of relaxation, as its breaking down everything I see into its most basic shapes. How relaxing is that, well to me it’s very relaxing and just as enjoyable.



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